Cannot send emails for accounts - Authentication aborted
Posted by Olivia Rust on 03 February 2023 12:30

Update 3/2/2023: We have created an alternate workaround which uses AirSync instead of SMTP for sending emails, read more here
The new workaround is for eM Client 9.2, so if you use an older version of eM Client and do not wish to upgrade, please feel free to still use the workaround on this page.

In the past few days, users of, and other free Microsoft email accounts might have encountered an issue when sending emails. 

[SMTP] MailClient.Accounts.AuthenticationAbortedException: Authentication aborted.

This issue is caused by a new problem on Microsoft's modern OAuth login method, settings up the account with an older version of the OAuth authentication in the meantime will work.

For the workaround, follow these steps:


  • Close eM Client.
  • Revoke permission for eM Client in your account:
  • Download and run the registry file in this article - useoldoutlookcomflow.reg
    (this file can be downloaded at the bottom of this article, in the Attachments section)
  • Open eM Client and log in using the OAuth window that pops up.


  • Close eM Client.
  • Revoke permission for eM Client in your account:
  • Open Terminal and run this command: defaults write com.emclient.mail.client UseOldOutlookComFlow -bool TRUE
  • Open eM Client and log in using the OAuth window that pops up.



Once Microsoft fixes this issue, you can either keep the older OAuth or remove the workaround with these steps, which are just the reverse of the previous ones:



  • Close eM Client.
  • Revoke permission for eM Client in your account:
  • Open Terminal and run this command: defaults delete com.emclient.mail.client UseOldOutlookComFlow
  • Open eM Client and log in using the OAuth window that pops up.

 useoldoutlookcomflow.reg (0.24 KB)
 removeoldoutlookcomflow.reg (0.21 KB)
 useairsyncsendmail0.reg (0.11 KB)
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